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Our duty to the future is to be accurate about the past

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1(i) A Tour of the Historic Quarter of Christchurch around the Priory
Richard Randerson
Priory Car Park

This virtual historic tour around the Priory Area of Christchurch will show some of the secrets that the town has to offer.   The tour starts from the Priory Car Park, which used to be the monastic precinct.    Once, no females would be permitted here.  Most of the monastery buildings were sold off by Henry VIII. He did, however, give the Priory to the townspeople.     There are still some of the monastic precinct walls standing and a building towards the Town Quay, inside the wall, perhaps once a bakery or a brew house.

By walking back along Quay Road, which at one time was Monastery Street, you will very soon see to your right Christchurch Priory, standing majestically over the town.

Christchurch Priory

For details of Christchurch Priory, click here.

South Side of Christchurch Priory

Porter’s Lodge

At the entrance to the Car Park on the right hand side and set back is the Porter’s Lodge.  Together with the stone building visible at the back of the Car Park , the Porter’s Lodge survived the ravages of the Dissolution in the the 16th century.   Within are the remains of wall paintings from the monastery era.   Just beyond can be seen the remains of the Priory gateway where the main entrance to the monastery would have been.

As you proceed along Quay Road you will follow the wall to the graveyard of Christchurch Priory and a view of the North Porch of the Priory.

It is in the first floor room above the Porch that the Christchurch History Society holds its Archives.    Click here to get more information on the Christchurch History Society Archives.
The North Porch of the Priory

On the Christchurch Blue Plaques Millennium Trail Leaflet this location is identified as number 23 but no Blue Plaque has been erected.

To continue the tour, click here to go to the Christchurch Workhouse.

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